quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

Ideas to renovate the bathroom

Looking for ideas for renovating your old bathroom? considering the times that uses your bathroom or to shower, shave, wash hands, etc.., you should consider making it a more welcoming and beautiful as possible. Make a renovation of the bathroom by yourself! Most people overlook these spaces, so you will not be one of those people, we will give you some ideas for your bathroom becomes a division to be interesting and enjoyable.
Ideas to renovate or decorate bathrooms
Water: Water and bathroom combine in a perfect way, so it makes sense that issues related to the beach and the ocean, are used by decorators. A water theme can start by choosing the color scheme. A tone of peach or a light blue background color with accessories on the sea, will provide a good basis for a décor theme of these. You can then decorate with antique furniture or new, wicker or wooden plain white. If you want a bathroom more "ocean" and less "beach", use pale shades of green and blue instead of peach color base. In an ocean theme can use dark wood or more whitewashed wooden furniture.
If the above issues do not appeal to you, why not consider decorating the bathroom with a tropical style? You can use beige and green jungle as base colors and just a bit of red to highlight the division. Wicker Furniture rely very well on this kind of theme, and a sisal rug can give the final touch in decorating the bathroom.

If you have a hot tub or a large soaking tub, then you can opt for an Italian theme, because of the sense of luxury that they give a bathroom. In this style, the mosaics are an important part of the decor, beautiful mosaics give a class to the bathroom. As for the colors red, blue and gold are the best colors to start.

If you have a hot tub or a large soaking tub, then you can opt for an Italian theme, because of the sense of luxury That They give the bathroom. In this style, the mosaics are an important part of the decor, beautiful mosaics give a class to the bathroom. The colors for the red, blue and gold are the best colors to start.

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